Hi! I’m Sarah

MA, Certified Health & Life Coach, Certified Medical Intuitive

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I care about people in a BIG way


The Short (ish)

From a young age I’ve known that I needed to make a positive difference in the world through my work, and after a couple of psychology degrees, a variety of jobs, travel, and a lot of soul-searching, I am grateful to have finally landed on coaching as the way to do exactly that. 

I’ve overcome a range of physical and emotional hurdles (some significantly larger than others) that had prevented me from living my happiest life, from a long-lasting eating disorder and severe anxiety to chronic people-pleasing, perfectionism, and overwhelming indecisiveness about life direction. 

After committing to years of self-work and healing, I am both relieved and proud to be able to say that today I truly do embrace my body regardless of what state or shape it’s in, I have learned strategies that allow me to have peace of mind, and I have true meaning and joy in my life.

  • I have traded comparison for authenticity.

  • I practice gratitude constantly and believe it is one of the greatest cure-alls that exists (it even helped me heal from my eating disorder). 

  • I have learned how to consciously fill my calendar with activities that satisfy my deep need for creativity, play, freedom, and self-expression.

  • I no longer choose my food and exercise out of punishment, but rather out of love for my body.

  • I have come to value myself and others for about a million other things besides the way we look. 

  • I now make more decisions by following my intuition instead of following others. 

  • I have become more comfortable having the toughest conversations and I am obsessed with honesty.

  • I practice self-compassion in all that I do and know it’s OK when I don’t feel OK. 

  • I have learned how to work through limiting beliefs that pop up so that I can continue to step into the world to accomplish all that I desire.

  • I have learned what it takes to establish healthy habits that actually last and can have massive impacts on wellbeing without taking drastic effort - "Small hinges swing big doors.”


Many people are not living their happiest or healthiest lives, whether that is because they eat poorly, hate their job, lack creative outlets, or are in a deeply unfulfilling relationship. To truly experience wellness we must have more than just good physical and mental health.

That’s where I get to come in!

I’m passionate about sharing what I have learned along my journey so far, both in school and in the School of Life, to support you in taking action toward greater self-love, health, purpose, and joy. Making change is way easier, not to mention more fun, with an encouraging partner along for the ride!

We are all meant to be radiant.


The Long

I LOVE learning! A great deal of my adult life has been consumed by a constant mission to learn as much as I can about wellness in all its various forms, how we can live more authentically, intuition, and finding true purpose. I’ve spent weeks downward dogging, cleansing, and meditating at retreat centers around North America. I’ve used up nearly all of my money on numerous occasions to head off to spiritual and personal growth intensives, believing that those experiences are more valuable than any material possession I can buy. In my spare time, almost every book I’ve read, podcast I’ve listened to, or movie I’ve watched, over the last few years has been about holistic wellness and spirituality.


After completing a master’s degree in Community Psychology and working in a wide range of positions, I still hadn’t found the fulfillment in my work that I was craving. That was until I learned about the dual Health and Life Coach training offered by the Health Coach Institute, and it became clear that that certification would finally allow me to do the impactful work I desired. Seriously though, what could be better than helping people make changes so they can live even happier, healthier, and more meaningful lives?!

In addition to the comprehensive training I received in holistic wellness and habit change in my coaching certification, overcoming my own challenges has allowed me to gain experience and knowledge that I hope can help make the journey of others a little easier. After many years of struggling with serious body image issues and disordered eating, I have been on a journey toward greater self-love and body acceptance. It has been a slow process, but I am proud to say that today I truly am at peace with my body and in my mind. 

It’s far too easy to compare our bodies and life choices to others', but I strongly believe that doing so is a complete waste of time. Instead, let’s figure out the secret ingredients to making your unique body thrive and your unique life feel next-level amazing. I’ve decided that I can pursue a path in the wellness world and also eat non-organic marshmallows and drink mojitos when that feels right. I've ditched the restrictive either-or, black-and-white, mindset I once held around health, and this has created such an amazing sense of freedom within me. Although I did try it for a while, I’ve decided that I don’t need to become a sober vegan to demonstrate my commitment to spiritual growth and health, and not only is that OK, but it is so damn liberating. But if that’s the vision that you want, I am here to fully support you in that. 


With formal training in psychology, medical intuition, and health and life coaching, as well as a relaxed, positive, loving, and non-judgemental way of working with clients, I bring a powerful combination of skills that allow me to support people in growth in all areas of life. 

I am most passionate about helping women live their most radiant lives, whatever that uniquely looks and feels like to them.

I also happen to love flowers, rainbows (you should see my office), card shops, fireworks, festivals, connecting with new people, my old-fashioned typewriter, the smell of banana bread baking in my house, free samples at farmers markets, sparkly clothes, camping, “woo-woo” spiritual stuff, and lingering hugs.

I’ll leave my story here, but I can’t wait to get to know yours.

Book your free Life Revamp Clarity Session now. You’ve got nothing to lose!

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