My Commitment to You

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  • Believing in you and your ability to achieve your vision of success.

  • Sharing in-depth information and knowledge with you so you can move forward with your health goals much more quickly than you would on your own.

  • Allowing you to be 100% authentic and fully YOU.

  • Holding you accountable to act from your highest self, even when you may not feel that way.

  • Holding high standards for you and for myself.

  • Helping you see that your challenges can be your greatest opportunities for transformation, and even your greatest gifts.

  • Caring deeply about you and your success.

  • Being kind and patient with you as you progress - making change is hard!

  • Sharing creative action steps, ideas, and inspiration without the need to have you “like” them (if you don’t like an action step or an idea that we create, no problem—we’ll create another one or you’ll be inspired to create your own).

  • Operating from a complete place of non-judgment, allowing you to feel safe to share your truth, including things that may have caused you to feel shame in the past.

  • Increasing your options of choices for how to move forward in ways you may not have previously considered.

  • Believing that the most efficient states for change are curiosity and amazement, not judgment.

  • Being in integrity and honest at all times.

Health Paradigms I Work With

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  • There are as many "right" diets as there are people on the planet.

  • What's healthy for one person might not be healthy for YOU.

  • Your body is the most powerful, least expensive, and BEST dietary experimentation lab in existence. Why? Because the body has innate wisdom beyond any book or authority. No matter which phase of life you are in, your body is the ultimate dietary authority.

  • Nourishment is about much more than just food.

  • We must be just as aware of the thoughts we are feeding ourselves as we are of the food we are feeding ourselves. As Deepak Chopra says, “Every cell in your body is eavesdropping on your thoughts.”

  • Every symptom, craving, or behavior around food has a positive intention. Therefore, they are not the problem, but rather the best solution you have come up with so far.

  • How you eat is just as important as what you eat.

  • Truly honouring your hunger and fullness signals is one of the easiest ways to naturally find yourself at a healthy weight.

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Instead of asking ourselves, “Why is this happening TO me?” we could instead ask, “Why is this happening FOR me?” With the change of just one word the is a world of difference. The first one leads us down a path of victimhood. The second one takes us in a more conscious direction of deeper growth, awareness, responsibility, appreciation, and healing.