What does “Radiant Rebel” signify?

Radiant: Sending out light; shining or glowing brightly.
Rebel: A person who resists or defies rules or norms or rises up against the powers that be.

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The Radiant Rebel is ready to re-design her life and priorities so that she can live in the healthiest and most authentic way possible. She recognizes that just because something has worked for her in the past doesn’t mean it works for her any longer anymore, and just because something works for her friends doesn’t mean it supports her best self and her best life.

She is ready to rebel again former ways of being, former ways of thinking, and unhealthy habits, that keep her feeling depleted, unmotivated, and lacking sparkle.

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She is in



She is in YOU

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The Radiant Rebel…

  • Prioritizes long-term health over short-term pleasure.

  • Pursues purpose over popularity.

  • Truly listens to her body and does everything she can to nourish it.

  • Uses her precious time on this earth consciously and wisely, structuring her days so that they are filled with activities that bring her closer to finding her authentic purpose in this life, activities that are joyful, and activities that leave her body feeling nourished.

  • Trusts her inner voice more than she trusts the voice of even her closest friends and family.

  • Spends time alone. Often.

  • Is OK with the fact that people may question/disapprove of/judge her priorities and path.

  • Challenges the belief that following the crowd is going to bring her the most genuine happiness and satisfaction.

  • Is confident saying no to activities she used to do and people she used to hang out with if they do not support or allow her to show up as her best self.

  • Lives “a life of conscious choice, rather than one of habit.” (From High: A Party’s Girls Guide to Peace by Tara Bliss. Highly recommended!)

Click here to read about my personal account of embracing my own Radiant Rebel and rebelling against my former ways of being so that I could live my best life:

“It’s hard to acknowledge that things aren’t working. It’s sad to admit that you aren’t actually proud of yourself and your decisions. It’s scary considering walking away from people you really love, but who aren’t contributing to you being your best self. It’s intimidating to realize that at the end of the day we have complete control over our decisions and must take full responsibility for our actions; no one else can change for us.”

Are you ready to connect with your own inner Radiant Rebel? Book your free Life Revamp Clarity Session with me. I can’t wait to meet you!